What’s the Demand for NSFW AI?

How About NSFW AI? The answer appears to be simple in terms of the figures. Content moderation as a whole, NSFW AI included, was valued at $8.9 billion globally in 2022 with an expected CAGR of 10.2% through 2027. This rise in demand has been driven by social media platforms and user-generated content that have expanded rapidly and grown 22% over the last two years; hence, the need for automated content moderation tools immediately rose. Sex-and-violence-based artificial intelligence already underpins companies such as Facebook (as AI filters 500 million posts daily for unsanctioned nudity or violent content), YouTube and TikTok.

According to industry reports, human moderation costs less when complimented with AI and drastically improves operational efficiency by reducing time and resources spent on manual review. Organizations with big platforms, like Reddit with over 330 million active users, use a mix of NSFW AI and human moderation to decrease the cost of labor by about 40%. Google has also shown the ROI from the human + AI moderation blend for direct impact on business results — their AI-assisted moderation brought down the review time by 35% yet retained high accuracy.

Tumblr: In 2020, Tumblr announced it would begin implementing an AI-first approach to NSFW detection | The move was met with public scrutiny afterwards when it turned out that the veil of Tumblr’s AI mistakenly flagged nearly 30% of quality-assured safe-for-work content. It called into question the accuracy of existing systems, and confirmed the need for new enhanced algorithms which are context-aware in NSFW AI landscape. At the same time, social media platforms are not the only sector being impacted. The demand for safety in online marketplaces and even educational platforms is increasing, a necessity accurately captured in what recent data represents: 89% of users prefer platforms with strict content moderation.

Even entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg have admitted that they need NSFW AI to scale their platforms online. “We would have to employ millions of people doing nothing but looking at these content whether with the aid of AI tools or 400 years ago. Conversely, the cost to accuracy balance is still critical—smaller companies might struggle with huge upfront costs of developing industry strength high precision NSFW AI systems ($50k to $500k to design a suitable system depends on the way and the scale), which costly enough that slow down growth.

There is consuming pressure for platforms to keep the internet safe, and at the same time an unprecedented proliferation of user-generated content; there no entry or exit in sites like Pornhub, requring bouncers), so demand for nsfw ai will only increase. You can find out more on nsfw ai for further study.

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